OpenAPI is a widely-adopted standard for describing APIs, making it accessible for both machines and humans. It simplifies API documentation, client libraries generation, validation, and testing.


By creating an OpenAPI specification, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • API documentation: Automatically generate up-to-date and interactive API documentation.
  • Client libraries: Generate client libraries in multiple programming languages to easily interact with your API.
  • Validation and testing: Validate API requests and responses, ensuring consistency and reducing errors.

How do we fit in? is a package manager used for publishing and discovering OpenAPI specs.

Learning by Example

To learn how to create OpenAPI specifications, it's best to explore existing examples. Here are some good ones:

Generating OpenAPI with ChatGPT

You can use ChatGPT to generate OpenAPI specifications by providing a prompt. Here's a recommended prompt:

Generate a JSON OpenAPI 3.1 specification for an API with the following endpoints:
1. GET /users - Retrieves a list of users with optional pagination (query parameters: page, limit)
2. POST /users - Creates a new user (request body: name, email, password)
3. GET /users/{userId} - Retrieves a specific user by ID (path parameter: userId)
4. PUT /users/{userId} - Updates a user's information (path parameter: userId, request body: name, email)
5. DELETE /users/{userId} - Deletes a user by ID (path parameter: userId)

API information:
- The API uses JSON for request and response bodies. The API is authenticated using Bearer tokens. 
- All endpoints are authenticated.
- The API is hosted at
- Use refs and components when appropriate. And provide examples.

Further reading

We recommend these resources: